Rincian Perjalanan
Pick up @airport – city tour istanbul : topkapi palace, hagia sophia, blue mosque, hippodromme, bosphorus cruise - DAY 2 : ISTANBUL-TRABZON (B/L/D) INCLUDE FLIGHT DOMESTIC
Tranfer to sabrina gokchen flight to trabzon, arrival and direct to uzungol lake – hotel - DAY 3 : TRABZON – ERZURUM (B/L/D)
Transfer to erzurum, city tour erzurum – hotel - DAY 4 : ERZURUM – CAPPADOCIA (B/L/D)
Transfer to cappdocia – direct hotel - DAY 5 : CAPPADOCIA CITY TOUR (B/L/D)
City tour cappadocia : baloon flight (optional tour) camel valley, pigeon valley, ceramic store, karpet store, uchisar castle photostop, underground city, turquoise store – hotel - DAY 6 : CAPPADOCIA – ISTANBUL (B/L/D) INCLUDE FLIGHT DOMESTIC
Transfer to airport – pick up in sabiha gokchen, abu ayub al anshari mosque and tomb, pierre lotti hills, spice bazaar – transfer to airport.
- Rp. 11.000.000
- Fasilitas Hotel Bintang 4/5
- Turkis, Emirates, Oman / Etihad Full Servis
Harga sudah termasuk :
- Tiket Pesawat PP CGK-IST
- Tiket Pesawat Domestik
- Makan 3x
- Akomodasi Hotel *4/5
- Bonus 2 hari ke Kota Trabzon
- Bagasi 25-30 kg sesuai kebutuhan
Harga belum termasuk :
1. PCR Saat pulang ke Indonesia
2. Visa $40
3. Asuransi Perjalanan
4. Karantina Jakarta
1. DP Rp.5.000.000
2. Pelunasan Paling Lambat 2 minggu sebelum keberangkatan
3. Paspor
4. FC Ktp & KK
5. Pas Foto 4 x6 = 4 Lembar
6. Harus sudah vaksin Covid minimal 2 dosis
PT. Solution Indonesia
Jl. Cinere Raya No.32, Cinere, Depok City, West Java 16514
0878-8799-8537 [ CS Suci Novianti ]
0877-8718-5501 [ CS Gian Yanuar ]
- Rincian Perjalanan
Rincian Perjalanan
Pick up @airport – city tour istanbul : topkapi palace, hagia sophia, blue mosque, hippodromme, bosphorus cruise - DAY 2 : ISTANBUL-TRABZON (B/L/D) INCLUDE FLIGHT DOMESTIC
Tranfer to sabrina gokchen flight to trabzon, arrival and direct to uzungol lake – hotel - DAY 3 : TRABZON – ERZURUM (B/L/D)
Transfer to erzurum, city tour erzurum – hotel - DAY 4 : ERZURUM – CAPPADOCIA (B/L/D)
Transfer to cappdocia – direct hotel - DAY 5 : CAPPADOCIA CITY TOUR (B/L/D)
City tour cappadocia : baloon flight (optional tour) camel valley, pigeon valley, ceramic store, karpet store, uchisar castle photostop, underground city, turquoise store – hotel - DAY 6 : CAPPADOCIA – ISTANBUL (B/L/D) INCLUDE FLIGHT DOMESTIC
Transfer to airport – pick up in sabiha gokchen, abu ayub al anshari mosque and tomb, pierre lotti hills, spice bazaar – transfer to airport.
- Rp. 11.000.000
- Fasilitas Hotel Bintang 4/5
- Turkis, Emirates, Oman / Etihad Full Servis
- Termasuk
Harga sudah termasuk :
- Tiket Pesawat PP CGK-IST
- Tiket Pesawat Domestik
- Makan 3x
- Akomodasi Hotel *4/5
- Bonus 2 hari ke Kota Trabzon
- Bagasi 25-30 kg sesuai kebutuhan
- Tidak Termasuk
Harga belum termasuk :
1. PCR Saat pulang ke Indonesia
2. Visa $40
3. Asuransi Perjalanan
4. Karantina Jakarta - Persyaratan
1. DP Rp.5.000.000
2. Pelunasan Paling Lambat 2 minggu sebelum keberangkatan
3. Paspor
4. FC Ktp & KK
5. Pas Foto 4 x6 = 4 Lembar
6. Harus sudah vaksin Covid minimal 2 dosis - Informasi Lebih Lanjut
PT. Solution Indonesia
Jl. Cinere Raya No.32, Cinere, Depok City, West Java 16514
0878-8799-8537 [ CS Suci Novianti ]
0877-8718-5501 [ CS Gian Yanuar ]